DNA Mobile App by Sentinel
Sentinel is pleased to announce the release of its DNA Mobile Application (DNA Mobile). Designed to streamline feature sets that are available through our Sentinel DNA website, DNA Mobile improves the mobile access experience of our customers. Created using valuable input from a panel of supervising officers who routinely work away from their field office, DNA Mobile facilitates remote supervision like never before and will quickly become a valuable tool in participant supervision. DNA Mobile App, free to our customers, utilizes TLS 1.2, AES‐256 encryption to ensure all customer and participant data is secure.
Click to watch a short video about DNA Mobile App
Communicate Readily by Commands, Alerts, and Messaging
Effortlessly Update Participant Information Editing Client Info
Respond Faster by Leveraging Mobile Maps
Immediately Manage and Identify Products
Sentinel is offering DNA Mobile App training webinars if you would like to learn more about the app. Please register today, before sessions fill up!
For immediate access to DNA Mobile search for Sentinel DNA or Sentinel Offender Services in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded you may use your current Sentinel DNA username and password to access.